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Travel Tips to Maintain Oral Health On Vacation

Guilt of ignoring your teeth while on vacation??? Here are vacation tips to keep your smile healthy.

Your flight and hotel are booked and you must be ready for a well-deserved summer vacation!!! But travelling is not an excuse to let go of your healthy habits.

Vacations are a truly fantastic time where families, fun and relaxation comes together. It is a get away from the stress of everyday life and explore the world. Many people look forward to their vacations and see it as a time to create fond family memories and rejuvenate.

When it comes to oral health, the fact that you have decided to take some time off does not mean bacteria, plaque, and gum disease agree to halt their relentless attack against your teeth and gums. In fact, traveling, increased food/drinks consumption, and making the most of the various tourist attractions along the way can all too easily disrupt a regular oral health routine.

It is easy when relaxing on vacation to slip out of routine, but it is important to maintain your oral hygiene wherever you are in the world.

By following these few simple tips you can keep your smile looking healthy and bright while still enjoying a relaxing vacation.

Pack the Essentials (Tooth brush, floss, mouthwash)

Depending on where you are traveling, it can be difficult to get dental supplies or they may be much more expensive. To avoid this hassle and potential damage to your dental routine, be sure to pack everything you usually use so that you have it ready with you.

Packing your toothbrush and toothpaste seems obvious advice but they are things that are easy to forget in the pre-vacation excitement. Also remember to pack floss and mouthwash, as these are likely to be even more difficult to replace once you are away. There are many different types of toothpaste and mouthwash available across the world, even if you can find a replacement it may not taste like what you are used to.

It is also important to consider the cleanliness of your toothbrush while you travel. You can use a plastic bag to wrap your brush, but make sure you take it out to dry when you arrive at your destination. Consider purchasing a toothbrush cover, these are easily available and keep your brush separate, clean, and ventilated.

Keep to your dental routine

The excitement of your new adventures may easily cause you to forget parts of your simple daily routine. Oral hygiene is extremely important so it is essential to continue taking care of your teeth throughout your vacation. Brushing, flossing as well as using mouthwash is all equally important whether you are at home or on vacation. It is important to stick to your routine – continue to brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss daily. You can carry travel-size packets in your purse or pocket that you can use. If you are travelling, a collapsible toothbrush and a roll of floss fit nicely into your purse or carry-on luggage.

Remember to replace your toothbrush every three to four months. Toothbrushes should also be discarded when the bristles look worn and bent, or after a cold or illness.

Watch on what you are eating

We all relax our diet when we are on holiday and often end up eating and drinking much more sugar and sodas than usual. It is good to indulge a little while on vacation, but just be aware that all the sugar you consume can affect your teeth. Try alternating sugary juices or cocktails with water or use a straw to keep most of the liquid away from your teeth.

You can also try packing healthy snacks in advance to take with you on days out which will not only help your teeth but will help you save money specially when the kids are along . If you do decide to treat yourself to a sugary dessert, follow it with water to rinse away most of the sugar. This will help minimize the amount of sugar sitting on your teeth until you get the chance to brush. Sugarless gum for chewing after meals increases the saliva flow to help remove food particles and sugar from your mouth.

Get a Checkup Before You Go

Very few people enjoy visiting the dentist, but it is important to keep up with regular checkups and visit the dentist whenever a problem arises. This is especially true just before you head out on vacation, as a dental problem away from home can be a troublesome and ruin your trip.

If you have even a slight toothache that you have been ignoring from long time get checked by the dentist and make sure you do it before, well in advance of your trip to allow time for any treatment and healing that might be required.

Dental treatment away from home can be difficult to find and expensive, and a sore tooth will likely affect your adventures. Inform your dentist that you will be travelling. If you are almost due for your check-up, it is better to go earlier so that if there are any problems, they can be resolved before you travel. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, it is all the more important to have a full dental check-up before you leave.

Your dentist can detect problems before you may experience any symptoms and any necessary treatment can be taken care of before you leave. Some reputed dental clinics in Delhi are giving counseling sessions to the kids and their parents regarding how to take care of your oral hygiene during vacations.

If you or your children are planning on participating in any sport or activity where there is a strong chance for contact with other participants or hard surfaces or in activities like soccer, cycling, racquetball or in-line skating, you can talk to your dentist about a mouth guard/ Sports guard. Mouth guards not only protect the teeth but may also prevent serious injuries by helping to avoid situations where the lower jaw and teeth are forced up against the upper teeth and jaw.

Be Careful of Dental Care Myths

It is very tempting to cut corners when on holiday to save time, but it is also important to ignore the many myths about oral hygiene cheats and maintain good dental care. Using mouthwash is not the same as brushing, so do not be tempted to skip brushing to save you some time. Remember that brushing once a day is not enough. Make sure you continue your oral hygiene in the morning and at night.

If you are going on camping you must have heard that a twig can substitute for a toothbrush and that fire ash can fill in for toothpaste. Before the invention of modern toothbrushes, people used a particular type of stick to clean their teeth. An old twig will not do the job, and toothbrushes are significantly better than the old style cleaning sticks. Similarly, charcoal has been used in the past in place of toothpaste, but modern well-formulated toothpaste is specifically designed to clean your teeth thoroughly.

On Vacation but In A Dental Emergency?

There are a number of dental clinics in India but you must do your research before your trip on dental clinics available in the area where you will be staying. Get the contact information for local dentists and phone ahead for information on office hours. This will save you precious time in case of a dental emergency.

In case of a dental emergency, you can call us Smile Delhi- The Dental Clinic, we are a phone call or an e-mail away, even over the phone we can help you with many surprising dental situations.

“We’re going on vacation!” These words elicit thoughts of relaxation, good times, and getting away from the daily stresses of life but you cannot take a vacation from oral hygiene. Whether you are escaping the snowy cold of winter to visit a sun-drenched climate or making the most of the months when the kids are on summer holidays, a vacation offers the opportunity for happy smiles and great memories all around. It can be hard to give your oral care the attention it deserves when you are travelling for business or pleasure. You are away from home and out of your routine, but the health of your mouth should not be compromised.

With a little pre-planning and some careful choices, there is no reason why you cannot maintain a healthy oral routine without hindering your adventures.

Posted by – Dr Sonam