Halitosis/ bad breath from the mouth is a common condition seen in almost 50 percent of the adult population. It is very embarrassing because many times the person himself is unaware and another person points it out. Bad breath can be periodic or persistent. It can be caused by 1- EXTERNAL FACTORS – These could be smell ...
Dentists in Delhi especially in our clinic, ‘Smile Delhi-The Dental Clinic’, take extra care to treat pregnant ladies. There are some changes that occur in the oral health during pregnancy. One of these changes is ‘pregnancy gingivitis’. It occurs as a result of increase in the hormone levels in the body of the to be mother ie estrogen and ...
We all are aware that poor dental care, leads to dental and gum problems i.e. cavities and gingivitis. However, there are other serious medical problems which may occur, as a result of ignoring gum health. 1. HEART DISEASE- Bacteria from the inflamed gums (gingivitis) and those which are present in the mouth as a result of periodontal disease, ...
Dental implants are the best replacement for missing teeth. They stabilize the underlying jaw bone , unlike the bridges and dentures . Since they integrate with the jaw bone, they are able to take the chewing forces almost like the natural teeth. The speech is also like the natural teeth with implant supported bridges and crowns. Dental implants are becoming ...
I Dr. Suprriya B Bhatia, run a private dental practice by the name, ‘SMILE DELHI- THE DENTAL CLINIC’, in New Delhi, India. The reason I kept this name for my practice was, that it was my sincere intention and goal, that every patient who walks out of our clinic after treatment, has a smile on his or her face. This ...
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT(TMJ) The Temporomandibular joint, is the joint of the jaws. It gets its name from two bones ie the temporal bone of the skull and the lower jaw bone ie mandible. So its a hinge joint, which connects the lower jaw bone to the skull in front of the ear. This joint allows the lower jaw to move up, ...
Dental decay/ dental cavities/ dental decay occurs, as a result of the enamel of the tooth being eaten away by acid. This acid is produced, when the bacteria in the mouth act/ party on any food debris, especially sugar that remains in the child's mouth. Tooth decay can be prevented in children by the following habits being practised. ...
Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars, which erupt in a person's mouth usually between the age of 17 and 21 years. If they erupt properly and are aligned well, they contribute to the process of chewing . However in many people, there is a discrepancy between the size of the teeth and the jaws. A person may ...
There is a basic difference between, dental problems and medical problems. In medical problems, the symptoms come first and the damage happens later. For example, if you have a stomach ache, you visit the doctor and the problem / ailment gets diagnosed and treated. In dental problems, the damage happens first and the symptoms appear later. There are many oral ...
Single sitting Root Canal Treatment, is becoming a popular procedure in the, dental clinics in India, especially in the dental clinics in Delhi. With the revolutionary changes in treatment concepts and development in technology, dentists in Delhi, are routinely doing this procedure Statistics have shown that the single sitting root canal treatments, cause less pain than multiple sitting root canal ...