Straight and properly aligned teeth not only make your smile attractive, it boosts your confidence levels and also promote good overall dental health. Crooked teeth can be a confidence-killer, and affects your oral health. Fixing your crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, improperly aligned teeth, and other issues can improve your smile and function of your jaw and prevent more serious problems ...
Your baby’s little milk teeth are supposed to be white or yellowish white in color. When your baby’s teeth are of any other color, it may be a case of teeth discoloration. Don’t overlook your toddler’s oral issues, thinking that your toddler’s teeth are going to drop out. Good healthy milk teeth will pave the way for good healthy permanent ...
If salivary content is low, one must do as much as possible to keep the oral tissues as moist as possible and limit the things that can dry the mouth out. Treatment for dry mouth depends on what is causing the problem. If dry mouth is caused by a health-related situation that can be changed, your dentist or doctor will ...
Saliva is an essential part of a healthy mouth. Saliva provides comfort and helps protect the oral tissues against ulcers, sores, and other movements that accompany normal eating and speaking due to its lubricating properties. Saliva helps defend against tooth decay by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria, prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth and washing away ...
It might seem normal to experience a little bit of bleeding from your gums while brushing or flossing, but it shouldn't be ignored. Bleeding gums could be a sign of a number of dental problems, it's usually a symptom that you have or may develop gum disease. It can also be a sign of a serious medical condition. In some cases, the causes of bleeding ...
A dental abscess, or tooth abscess, is a painful bacterial infection caused by accumulation of pus, which can cause swelling and inflammation that forms at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth. Most infections are more likely to have been caused by poor dental health due to direct growth of bacteria within the root surfaces of a ...
People often have jaws that are too small for all 32 teeth to fit. Our jaws often just don’t have the space to accommodate all of our teeth which results in poor alignment of the teeth and along with crowding. 28 teeth are often the most we have room for. Impacted wisdom teeth are third molars at the back of the mouth which do not fully ...
Millions of people avoid visiting the dentist due to dental fear. There are lots of factors that keep people from visiting the dentist as often as they should. Some have had traumatic experiences as children. Others have had unpleasant experiences as adults. Regardless of the reason, too many of these individuals have simply stopped seeking dental care, even when faced ...
We tend to put a lot of stress on our teeth, be it eating, playing sports and chewing on anything from pencils to bubblegum. Each tooth is secured in place by the bone and tissue surrounding it. All teeth fit into their sockets and bones snugly. Bone is the primary support for your pearly whites. It’s important to have sufficient bone around ...
Gum disease is the main cause of tooth loss and loose teeth in adults. Gum disease, if left untreated will result in the loss of the surrounding bone and tissues that hold teeth in place. Frequently the problem is complicated by heavy bite stress. The problem is that it can be silent and you would not come to know that ...