We care a lot about our bodily health and mental health but we often don’t prioritize our dental health. You may be wondering why cavities persistently pop up in your mouth, despite your attempts at good oral care, whereas your friends or family members whose oral cleaning routines aren’t as diligent as yours, may still maintain a gorgeous grill ...
A Complete Denture is a removable prosthesis that replaces all teeth and surrounding tissue within an arch that have been lost due to serious gum disease, tooth decay or extraction. Dentists in Delhi ensure that teeth are saved as much as possible. If not, at least much of the structure is preserved. But when the damage is severe, the teeth ...
A partial denture is used when one or more natural teeth are missing in the upper or lower jaw. Traditionally, removable partial dentures were fabricated from a metal base designed to replace missing teeth in partially edentulous patients (patients who have lost some of their natural teeth). It was long thought that removable partial dentures had to be rigid to be effective. But innovation ...
As much as many of us care for our teeth through brushing and flossing, we all resort to bad habits that are damaging the health of our teeth. Bad habits are easy to develop but, unfortunately, are difficult to break. What some people don't realize is that there are certain common habits that you appear harmless but actually have a ...
If you haven’t done a diligent job of maintaining a good hygiene for your child or if your child is eating too many sweets, their baby teeth would lead to tooth decay. If it were a simple cavity (tooth decay) that had been treated in the early stages, a regular dental filling or maybe even a dental crown would ...
Dental implants are the best solution to replace missing teeth and are becoming an increasing modality of treatment by dentists in India providing you with the right chewing capacity and enhancing your smile. Dental implants also arrest bone loss in the jaw that often accompanies dentures and prevent damage to neighboring teeth and tissues. Unfortunately, for many years dentists were ...
Straight and properly aligned teeth not only make your smile attractive, it boosts your confidence levels and also promote good overall dental health. Crooked teeth can be a confidence-killer, and affects your oral health. Fixing your crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, improperly aligned teeth, and other issues can improve your smile and function of your jaw and prevent more serious problems ...
Your baby’s little milk teeth are supposed to be white or yellowish white in color. When your baby’s teeth are of any other color, it may be a case of teeth discoloration. Don’t overlook your toddler’s oral issues, thinking that your toddler’s teeth are going to drop out. Good healthy milk teeth will pave the way for good healthy permanent ...
If salivary content is low, one must do as much as possible to keep the oral tissues as moist as possible and limit the things that can dry the mouth out. Treatment for dry mouth depends on what is causing the problem. If dry mouth is caused by a health-related situation that can be changed, your dentist or doctor will ...
Saliva is an essential part of a healthy mouth. Saliva provides comfort and helps protect the oral tissues against ulcers, sores, and other movements that accompany normal eating and speaking due to its lubricating properties. Saliva helps defend against tooth decay by neutralizing acids produced by bacteria, prevents infection by controlling bacteria and fungi in the mouth and washing away ...