Brushing and flossing are the best ways to help prevent cavities, but it can be difficult to clean each and every groove and depression in your teeth especially your back teeth, you use to chew. Once bacteria are stuck in the pits it will generally stay there and decay the tooth rapidly, resulting in cavities. Top surfaces of the teeth ...
Teeth are one of the important parts in the human body but some people suffer from chronic back pain due to dental problems. Can dental problems cause back pain? Many patients ask this question and the answer is yes. The teeth are living structures, full of nerve endings. Decayed teeth can cause persistent pain and such pain can be easily irradiated ...
Brushing and flossing isn’t done just to keep your teeth white and your breath smelling fresh, it is performed to remove food remnants and plaque which are the source of gum irritation. Bleeding after brushing or flossing or at random times may be a sign of unhealthy gums. If people think bleeding gums is normal, particularly after brushing or flossing ...
The ‘intra oral welding technique’ of dental implants is a one phase procedure and patients get immediate prosthesis on the same day of the surgery or within a few days. Sometimes immediate implant rehabilitation may be somewhat problematic because of anatomic situations involving insufficient bone thickness or height and tooth position. Dental implants may fail due to micromotion and stress ...
Dental veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored, translucent porcelain or composite resin. They are custom made to fit over your teeth and improve their color, shape, look and overall appearance of your smile. Veneers can improve issues ranging from discoloration to gaps between the teeth and can greatly improve your smile and appearance. Veneers are placed to the front (visible) surfaces ...
Your teeth play a crucial role in the structure of your mouth and in relation to the other teeth. Every day we see patients that have missing teeth. Sometimes they are teeth that have been recently extracted. Other times they have been missing for years. When it comes to missing teeth, the repercussions can extend far beyond cosmetics. If you fail ...
Gold is the best material for filling and restoring teeth. It fits the tooth more accurately than any other material. It is mainly used in areas where there is limited space and in cases of bruxism. It is a wonderful choice if esthetics is not a concern. When the term "Gold" is used in dentistry, it is usually describing an ...
Cavities are another name for tooth decay. Tooth decay is a serious dental issue that harms the teeth, creating a hole in the tooth surface. First, for a tooth to be susceptible to decay, the bacteria must adhere themselves to the tooth. When you eat something, bacteria in your mouth break it down into simple sugars. These sugars are then ...
Breathing out of your mouth may not seem like a huge problem but in terms of oral health and facial development in children, mouth breathing can create some concerns. Breathing out of the mouth is sometimes caused by chronic nasal obstruction. When your body can’t get enough oxygen by breathing through your nose, it automatically resorts the only other thing ...
Jaw pain refers to an uncomfortable feeling or a sensation that is associated with tooth pain, tenderness, aching of the other areas of the neck or face, and difficulty in chewing. Teeth grinding occurs when you move your jaw while your teeth are clenched. Teeth grinding can be a major cause of jaw pain. This is because nighttime clenching or ...