Little baby teeth have some big responsibilities. They not only help you bite, chew and speak correctly but also help guide the permanent teeth underneath them into proper position. Caring for your child’s baby teeth or milk teeth can not only help in maintaining a great smile but also in general well-being. Establishing a good oral hygiene routine while they ...
When it comes to your teeth, most people use the words “fracture” and “crack” interchangeably. Tooth cracks are a common occurrence in dentistry. Any time you break off a part of a tooth, it’s technically a fracture. Even a tiny chip sustained can be considered a fracture, though; this isn’t a very serious injury. But some fractures can be quite ...
The optimal smile line should reveal the least amount of gum tissue possible. Gums in the smile line should have balanced, even contours that are in harmony with the upper lip. An average lip line shows only the teeth in your upper jaw and the bits of gum that extend upwards between your teeth. A gummy smile is when you ...
Our oral and gut microbiomes are in constant communication. When your digestive health is good, it’s a good sign you feel good too. Often, the problems in the mouth are caused by the digestive system. Our gut microbes and mouth always interact with one another, so digestive health problems can have an impact on your oral health. If you suffer ...
Replacing missing teeth is important to your general health and to the health of your other teeth. Dental implants replace the root-part of a missing tooth. Dental implants are by far the best treatment to replace missing teeth of all the ways modern dentistry has to offer. There is no other tooth-replacement option that will give you a longer-lasting result. ...
With the improving awareness of patients regarding oral health-related quality of life, the advancements in dentistry for dental materials have diversified. There is no progress in dentistry without the development of dental materials and technologies. From the distant past through to the present day, dentistry has been continuously invigorated by the development of both dental technologies and materials. Over the ...
We talk a lot about how periodontal or gum disease is linked to playing a larger role in systemic health, and is association with an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. It’s important to understand that there is a big difference between regular cleaning and deep cleaning & its implications that each of these procedures have when it comes to ...
Teeth are an indispensable part of your body. They are vital for your overall health. Bad bite or traumatic bite is the result of misalignment of the teeth and jaws. Deep bite is one of the most common malocclusion seen in children as well as adults. Genetics, teeth crowding, failure of dental treatment or worn or decayed teeth or missing back ...
Everyone wants a smile that they can be proud to show off. Your smile is the first thing people see and it’s usually a major factor in making that first impression on those you meet. Having imperfect teeth can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. People often feel the need to hide their smiles when missing teeth, stains, ...
Dental implant offers the most cost-effective and long-term solution for replacement of missing teeth with high average life expectancy, providing the patient with the best sense of security and well-being. Oral health and oral health care are very important to maintain proper mastication, phonation, digestion, appearance, and psychological well-being. The loss of one or more teeth due to any reason ...