When you have taken the biggest step of your life and are ready to start planning your wedding, you need to feel the confidence to look great- not only on your wedding day but also in the pictures that serve as memories for years to come. Your smile is such a big part of your wedding day, and you need ...
1. You get the most hygienic environment due to our stringent sterilization processes. Cleanliness is the foundation of a safe dentistry. A major survey of patient’s attitudes towards dentists found that the cleanliness of a dental office is one of the key reasons a patient will reappoint with that dentist. Research shows that patients are significantly happier with dentists whose ...
Do you crunch on ice or clench your jaw? Are you wrecking your teeth without even knowing it? If you suck your thumb or suck on lemons, you are doing your pearly whites wrong. And did you know that biting your nails is not only bad for your fingers; it can actually hurt your teeth, too? While some of these ...
Most of the parents are often unsure about when to take a child to a dentist. So the question is should you wait until all of his teeth have come in, or until there is a real problem? The dentists in India recommend that a child's first visit should be when the first tooth erupts in the mouth and no ...
Have you seen a bit of blood in your sink when you brush your teeth lately? The bleeding can be one of the first warning signs that you have a gum disease. Gum disease is not at all uncommon. In fact, 70 percent of people develop gum disease during their lifetime. While gum disease is more prevalent in elder people, ...
In today’s world, time is the only luxury we cannot afford. The world around us is always running. We try to fit the maximum work in our day, and while doing this we often fall into certain lifestyle patterns. We want to do everything in a rush. The “Food” has been transformed into “Fast Food” and our “Sleep” into “Power ...
Wisdom may come with age, but also does a number of problems associated with aging teeth and gums. Number of factors like a lifetime of chewing, grinding and general wear and tear combined with medications, medical conditions, and a potential decrease in dental care can cause many oral health problems in older adults. Dental problems are never any fun, but ...
Guilt of ignoring your teeth while on vacation??? Here are vacation tips to keep your smile healthy. Your flight and hotel are booked and you must be ready for a well-deserved summer vacation!!! But travelling is not an excuse to let go of your healthy habits. Vacations are a truly fantastic time where families, fun and relaxation comes together. It ...
Not many people really like going to the dentist. But for some people, the thought of going to the dentist can bring on such a fear that they avoid getting the dental care they need. 1) Generalized anxiety Dental anxiety is a Real Thing… Being scared to go to a dentist can result in delaying or avoiding dental treatment. There are many ...
“My tooth doesn’t hurt, so I don’t need to see a dentist.” “Baby teeth are not important.” “Flossing creates spaces between teeth.” “Braces are only meant for the young children. “ You all must have heard these phrases before!!! A numerous myths have been woven around dentistry/ oral healthcare which is unfortunately the most neglected and misunderstood amongst all. The ...