Uneven teeth are a common dental issue that affects people of all ages. There are many reasons you may have crooked teeth that include genetics, bad oral hygiene, thumb sucking during childhood or damage to your teeth through an accident. While various factors can cause crooked, irregular or broken teeth, there are also several methods available to correct your smile. Correcting your teeth can not only have a significant impact on your self-confidence but can also prevent serious oral health issues from developing in the future. A smile is the first impression you make with people at the first meeting. It can be difficult to smile with confidence if your teeth are chipped, irregular or discoloured. Here at ‘Smile Delhi,’ we offer you various cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile.
A tooth consists of three layers: enamel, dentin and pulp tissue. The part of a tooth exposed in the oral cavity is known as the ‘crown’ and the invisible part of the tooth embedded in the jaw bone below the crown is known as the ‘root.’ Inside your tooth, beneath the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin, is a soft tissue called pulp. This tissue contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, which provides nourishment to the root of the tooth and helps in its development and growth. A fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp(nerve tissue) because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it. Root canal treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected tooth.
Heading to the dentist for your first dental check-up? We know you expect your teeth will get cleaned, the dentist will do a quick check and call it a day. While it is true that your pearly whites are going to get an excellent cleaning but there is a lot more going on than you may realize. When your dentist is checking the health of your teeth and gums, they are also paying attention to a lot of other, smaller details that give them clues about your overall health. Here’s an in-depth look into what all is really happening during your visit. Your tongue is a significant indicator of potential or current oral health concerns. Is it discoloured? Sensitive? While not usually the case, these factors can be signs of a more serious problem.
How do you relate smiling and happiness? Is it to express joy or is it the opposite? Does happiness come from smiling? How do you relate smiling and happiness? Why do we smile? Is it to express joy or is it the opposite? Does happiness come from smiling? In a study done at the University of Cardiff in Wales, researchers found that people who smile are more comfortable than those who don’t. They asked participants to rate their happiness on a scale of 1-10 and found that the average happiness rating for those who smiled was 7.3, while the average happiness rating for those who didn’t smile was 6.3. Another study, done by the University of Sussex in the UK, found that people who smile are also more attractive.
A medical emergency can happen, usually when least expected, in a dental clinic during treatment. Approximately 90% of the crises are mild, but 8% were more serious. Medical emergencies are most likely to occur during and after local anaesthesia, primarily during a complicated tooth extraction or a prolonged root canal treatment that required multiple local anaesthetic injections to remove the pain. Among the different emergencies, over 60% are syncope, with low blood sugar level the next most frequent at 44%, followed by mild allergic reaction at 8.8% and ingestion of foreign bodies at 4.1%. It is important to realise that there is more than just this brief list of situations that can occur while patients are visiting your surgery.
There are various options when it comes to rehabilitation of your complete mouth. There are various options as normal dentures and implant supported dentures. In some ways implant-supported dentures surpass traditional dentures, while in other cases the opposite is true. Traditional dentures are made from an acrylic base attached to a set of artificial teeth. They float on top of the gums and can be easily removed for cleaning. Since they are not attached to the jawbone, traditional dentures may shift as you eat or talk creating challenges that natural teeth do not have. Some of the complications associated with traditional dentures include trouble eating, mouth sores, discomfort and problems talking.
Are you looking for ways to improve your career? If so, did you know that your smile can have a direct impact on reaching your career goals? Believe it or not, cosmetic dentistry can lead to incredible opportunities. There are myriad incredible dental solutions that we offer at ’Smile Delhi- The Dental Clinic,’ that can enhance smile and in turn your self-confidence, quality of life, job performance and overall health. Improving your smile through cosmetic dentistry can be a game-changer in many aspects of your life, even if you’re not a celebrity or a model. The right dental solution, such as teeth whitening, porcelain crowns or emax veneers and many more.
According to the CDC: ‘Centre for disease control and prevention,’ Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, a diminishment in one’s cognitive abilities. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that starts with memory loss and can advance to the point of not being able to carry on conversations or interact with the environment around you. The connection between your oral health and your overall health can’t be overstated. Taking care of your teeth can help serious medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Age is the biggest risk factor with symptoms usually around the age of 60.
Ever wondered why professional cleaning (scaling) is so important? Is dental cleaning required even if you brush and floss your teeth daily? Why do dentists recommend dental cleaning and a six-monthly dental check-up? One of the significant reasons behind dental cleaning is that the dentist gets a chance to examine your teeth and gums so that any dental issue which is brewing can be diagnosed and treated in the initial stage. This is critical as dental problems, unlike medical problems, remain silent for a long time. The appointment will involve a thorough dental cleaning and check-up by the best dentist in Delhi.
Do you ever worry why your gums are so dark and unsightly and if anything can be done about it? Dark or black gums are the result of an excess of the pigment called melanin, which is also responsible for the color of the skin. Dark colored people have more of melanin in their skin similarly people with dark gums have more melanin in their gums. The good news is this can easily be treated by simple procedure called ‘Gum depigmentation/ gum bleaching.’ The colour of the gingiva varies among different individuals and it is thought to be associated with surface pigmentation. It varies from light to dark brown or black.